Hi Christine Wolf, hope you get well soon. I have Crohns Disease so I’ve been were you are and I know how awful it feels, especially at Christmas time when everyone is eating and celebrating (been there too!). Keep doing what you can to keep up your strength with those small regular walks and sitting up for short times. It’s amazing how quickly you lose the strength even to hold up your own head. I’ve been in remission now for over 8 years with the help of meds and a gluten free, low fibre, low meat, high veggie diet (which is good for Crohns). I hope you find what works to get you well and keep you well too. The main thing I’ve found to help stay positive in hospital (and I’ve had soooo many hospital stays) is focusing on how I can make the day positive for someone else in there — a nurse, doctor, or patient. Even a smile and a compliment if I don’t have the energy for more. But it’s totally understandable to feel sad too! I definitely had my fair share of tears with each hospital stay I had over the years. Sending you lots of good wishes.